Sunday, January 5, 2020

Introduction Video


Join me in my exciting journey! I will be strictly juicing for one hundred days, or getting 'Super Juiced', as Jason Vale of Juicy Oasis calls it in his documentary 'Juicing Saved My Life.'

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I liked what I saw in the mirror today. I’m really seeing a difference. And my skin is getting soft. I was hungry here and there, but often wanted to finish what I was working on and put the juicing off. Meals were timely, though, and I got an extra pint in.

Today I emailed my sister in Canada and asked her if she’d ever considered juicing for her health. She’s very slim and eats well, a lot of vegetarian and vegan stuff. She suffers from eczema and so do her little girls. She was also struck with bell’s palsy at the birth of her son a couple of years ago. The right side of her face is paralyzed. She’s a beautiful girl. Anyway, she said she HAD considered it, but had read that doing it while nursing was not advised. So maybe later. (my words)

My daughter who had planned on juicing for one week, then moving to once per day had a mental breakthrough today. She said she had a chicken and rice dinner last night. She’d been very much looking forward to it, especially near the end of the week. But she said the food did not meet expectations. It was just food. And she felt terrible all evening. She likes juicing. She says it’s simple, she always knows what’s for dinner (or other meal), she feels great all day, it’s the easiest meal to clean up, and she will continue to melt away her extra pounds. This announcement (over the phone) made me very happy. I want her to be healthy and happy and comfortable in her skin. So, she was pretty excited about that realization. She said she won’t beat herself up if she decides to have a meal here and there.

Monday, January 19, 2015


5 POUNDS! That is nearly a pound a day, and even after the initial water-weight was gone. If I keep up this average, I will be at wedding weight in 6 weeks, high school weight in 8 weeks. ... and birth weight in... oh never mind, the cleanse will be over by then.


Juicing was fine today.  But I’m experiencing a lack of motivation to do anything beyond juicing and cleaning up around us. I’ve got to pull myself out of this.

I DID recruit a California cousin to our juicing Facebook page, which is very cool. I’m not sure of her goals or commitment level just yet, but I look forward to finding out.

Another good thing – I got on the rebounder (on and off) while I watched a Netflix movie. I will add that more. Today was a gorgeous sunny day and I didn’t even take advantage of it. We should have gone for a walk in the hills.

I read in bed for a while this morning, since B didn’t have to go to Seminary, it being a holiday.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Every time a write a new day number, I want to put an exclamation mark after it. Every day seems like such an accomplishment. And it is. Tomorrow is weigh-in. That was a long week; I’m sure it had nine days in it.

I’ve had a few low moments where I thought, ‘What am I doing? Is this really possible? Is this worth it?’ But then I really answer myself. I’m doing this to heal, to rid myself of symptoms. I’m doing this to finally lose the weight that I’ve struggled with for twenty years. I’m doing this so that I never yo-yo again, because I will remember the sacrifice I once made and know that I will never do it again, not for this long. I’m doing this to get rid of my sugar addiction and cravings. I’m doing this to gain greater access to the Spirit. I’m doing this to accomplish something few people have or ever will, to show myself what I’m made of. I’m doing this to strengthen my singing voice. I’m doing this to discover which foods I’m allergic to, and will know when I slowly add things back in at the end.

So yes. YES. It’s possible. And it’s worth it. And I will never regret having done it. One day at a time.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I continue to feel better. So much better. Had a great day of juicing and alkalizing. I don’t think I can afford to ignore the sodium bicarbonate for a while, or ever. And the extra liters of water. I’ve ordered pHour Salts from Dr. Young's pH Miracle Living website, which has three important salts besides the sodium bicarbonate. Because it’s much more expensive than just using the baking soda, I’ll probably use it only once a day in conjunction with the other.

I really enjoyed my lunch smoothie today. Let's see if I remember...
Juice - 1 green apple, about six ribs celery, 1 English cucumber, handful baby carrots, parsley, tiny ginger
I put it through my almond bag for smoothness (which I usually do), then blended it with a third of an avocado and a little flax oil. So yummy.

As I’m still trying to heal, I went back to bed from 9 to noon. After that, I got a few things done, but didn’t push myself today. If things continue to go this well, I will be back in the swing of things in no time. Meaning, I can continue pursuing all my goals that I’m so excited about.

I made some apple/celery/spinach juice for my 14-yr old son tonight and he liked it a lot. He so needs this, so I will make sure I find ones he likes. Even if it’s just the same one each the time.  

Overall, a great day, considering I was suffering so much just yesterday. I’m so grateful and relieved.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Wow, what an awful night and day. My ‘heart’ issue was out of control and I was up for most of the night. I’ve been to the emergency twice for it and those times it wasn’t quite as bad as this time. But doctors do not know what is causing it. They say my heart looks fine and I have the blood pressure of an eighteen year old.

The odd thing is there’s not really pain with it per say. Sometimes a squeezing and more like a muscle spasm pain, maybe like I used to get when I was a teen. I get woken up in a near panic as my heart beats strangely. I feel like my life is being sucked away and I could lose consciousness. It was really bad when it happened last night. I got up quickly to walk it off, feeling week and shaky. I beg God throughout all this, please don’t take me yet. Sounds dramatic? Yup, it is.

I knew it was time to hit Dr. Young’s protocol big time. I don’t know why I ever doubt him. He has the answers every time.  So I took a shot of sodium bicarbonate water, followed up with a liter of water or lemon water. I did this every hour on the hour, trying to sleep when I could. All night I was shaky, weak, and scared as my ‘heart’ was freaking out. I use quotation marks on ‘heart’ because no one’s even sure it’s my heart, including me. I really don’t see what else it could be though. Anytime I tried to recline slightly though, it would get worse. As I alkalized and hydrated myself all night, I finally got some relief and was able to sleep by about 7am. Today has been tolerable but still worrisome.

Finally tonight I feel great relief, almost back to normal. Another very nice thing about the sodium bicarbonate is that it’s really cleaned me out and I feel so fresh. Perhaps my detoxing took a toll on my ‘heart’ because I wasn’t eliminating it all properly. That’s probably what Dr. Young would say.

I’ll take another shot of baking soda now and retire. I hope I can sleep. I hope the worst is behind me. I hope my self-doctoring (or un-doctoring) will take me far away from these frightening symptoms, then I swear, I will NEVER abuse my body again. Meaning junk food, etc. Life is too good for that.